How Customer Service and Marketing can boost your business together

Customer Service can help your business in multiple ways.

From helping your customers to increasing the value of your brand.

But Customer Service can also help your marketing.

Today we will review some of the ways in which Customer Service can help you boost your marketing strategy

Why Customer Service is Good

First, a quick review of the overall value of good Customer Service.

Outside of benefiting your Marketing operations, good customer service can be a driver of revenue at your business.

After all, good customer service can increase the value of your brand, increase customer loyalty, and increase your business’ recurring revenue.

It can even allow you to increase the pricing of your product or service thanks to the added value of your customer service.

Want to learn more? Read our guide on how Good Customer Service can help Your Business.

How Customer Service can Boost Your Marketing

Customer Service and Marketing can go hand in hand to boost each other.

Specially, when you implement some of the following strategies.

Customer Service through Social Media

Social Media has become a standard communication channel for many businesses and customers. Specially in these socially distant times.

However, many businesses still see social media as a channel for marketing and nothing else. (Sell!, Sell!, Sell!)

While in reality, Social Media is not much different than a plaza where people get together to share things about themselves and engage in conversation.

And you wouldn’t want to be that person that won’t shut up about the business they run.

The pleasantries and best practices from in-person Customer Service also carry over to Social Media and bring similar benefits. After all, you wouldn’t greet a new customer with constant requests to buy something.

Building Buyer Persona Profiles

For as data-driven as your marketing operation might be, no one knows your customers better than your customer service staff.

After all, they are the ones talking and interacting with your customers every day. From the moment they discover your business to years down the line when they need customer support assistance.

As a result, Customer Service insights will be key in building your Buyer Persona Profiles for Marketing purposes.

The more accurate these profiles are, the better you can tailor your marketing campaigns to effectively target said individuals.

Setting Expectations Through Marketing

Marketing and hype go hand-in-hand.

But sometimes, hype can go a bit too far and cloud the expectations of your customers.

Insights from your Customer Service and Support operations can let your Marketing team know about common pain points about your product that shouldn’t be dismissed through deceiving marketing campaigns.

Better yet, you can use said insights to identify previous pain points from customers that your product team has resolved and use these as selling points for your product or service.

Customer Stories as Marketing

In many instances, the word of a happy customer can have a higher impact than anything a room of copywriters can come up with.

Customer Success Stories are real and speak to other people who might have the same problems that your product or service solves.

Customer Service teams can work directly with Marketing teams to identify and reach out to customers with impactful success stories related to your product or service.

This can also happen on social media by sharing posts from happy customers talking about your product or service.

Customer Service is a selling point

And don’t forget, great Customer Service can be a value-add to your product or service.

Meaning that it can also be a selling point. Specially if you know that the Customer Service offering of your competitors is lacking.

Think of companies like Apple and how they advertise their Genius services to boost their device sales.

Closing Thoughts

Customer Service takes place every time your customers interact with your business, whether you notice it or not.

That’s why Customer Service practices can have great impacts on almost all aspects of your business.Want to learn more? Read our guide on our best practices for Customer Service.