7 Reasons why users are leaving your website

You may have a high number of visitors coming to your website, but you notice that you have a high bounce rate as well, or your conversion rate is really low compared to your visitors.

Your marketing plan may be perfect, but if your customers aren’t staying on your website, you’re not making any money. You’re losing money.

57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website.

Your website is a great asset for your business but can be your biggest liability if it’s not designed or performing properly.

Today we’ll give you 7 reasons why users are leaving your website:

  1. Hard to navigate
  2. Slow website
  3. poor design
  4. Content/ Copy
  5. Video/ Audio auto plays
  6. Poor CTA
  7. Annoying Ads

Let’s get started

Hard to navigate

If your users get frustrated navigating through your website, this will cause them to leave. You want to make sure that your website navigation is user-friendly and is easy to navigate through the different pages.

This could even mean, cleaning up your main menu navigation. Are there two menu tabs in your menu that cause too many distractions (more on that later)?

You could use session recordings like Moment to see how exactly your visitors are interacting with your website, or use an analytic tool like Google Analytics to see which pages your visitors are going.

Slow website

If your website is running slow, you may not even get the chance to make a first impression. If your customers are patient enough to wait for your website to load, they’ll have a poor user experience.

Source: Appcues

Have you ever dealt with a slow website? What were your thoughts on the brand or website? You probably left before it even loaded and never dealt with them again. If you’re not willing to wait for a website to load, why should your customers?

One of the biggest factors that can help improve your website’s speed is compressing your images. You may also need to improve your web hosting provider as your business continues to grow!

Poor design

Your website should give your brand a great first impression. IF your website isn’t:

  • professionally designed
  • mobile-friendly
  • Represents your brand

You could be losing customers before even getting them. A poorly designed website could even prevent increasing your conversion rate.

Source: Plerdy

There are many things you can do like:

  • using an easy to use CMS
  • competitor research
  • using your brand colours
  • get it professionally made

Doing these things can help you improve the design of your website.

Content/ copy

Your content or copy may not be as engaging or good as you thought it was. Customers have a short attention span. Customers have an average attention span of 8 seconds. Your content needs to be engaging and interesting for the readers.

You can do this by adding images, using proper white space, break up your paragraphs and headings. When creating your content, you want to make sure that it’s easy to read, understand and fulfill the searcher’s intent.

Video/ audio auto plays

If you have a video on your pages, make sure it doesn’t play right away. Be sure that the visitor can choose to play it if they’re interested. There’s nothing more annoying than a video or audio that automatically plays.

Think of it as an unwanted conversation and they start talking to you out of nowhere. You get confused, uncomfortable and wish the conversation was over. That’s what it pretty much feels like with unwanted sounds from an auto-played and video and audio.

Poor CTA

Picture this, almost everything on your website is perfect. Your design, website speed, content and is easy to navigate. You’re getting visitors but people are still leaving, why is this?

Simple, you’re not converting them into buyers.

You’re CTA (call to action) needs to create excitement and needs to be properly placed throughout your website. Give them a reason to contact you or join your email list.

You should make your CTA as easy as possible for them and remove barriers. You can create pop-ups, properly placed links, buttons and even incentives

Annoying ads

While ads can be a key part of your conversions, annoying and unwanted ads can cause visitors to leave! Annoying pop-ups, inappropriate ads, or are poorly designed can reduce the customer trust they have in your website.

If you do have ads on your website, be sure they are well-designed and are from trustworthy brands.

Closing thoughts

Fixing these 7 reasons why users are leaving your website can drastically improve the user experience, customer trust, and conversion rate.

You should try to implement these steps right away as it can take some time to make these improvements.

How will you improve your website?

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