The Best Customer Support Software: Must-Have Features

The perfect customer support software doesn’t exist.

However, modern technology has allowed us to get very close.

While customer support software solutions can vary drastically within them, today we’ll highlight some must-have features for 2020.

Let’s break them down.

Easy to Use and Implement

Implementing a customer support solution can be a big undertaking. From migrating data to a new platform to re-training staff.

The best support software solutions will be incredibly easy to implement and as a result, save you time and money. Additionally, if they are also easy-to-use, your staff training time will also be cut short significantly.

CRM Integration

CRMs can be their own separate software solution when dealing with customer support.

However, this would mean that your customer data and your support data would now be fragmented across two platforms.

A modern customer support software would integrate with a CRM platform to provide accurate data about the customer in a single platform. That way, support staff, and decision-makers can assess support situations more accurately based on customer data.

Live Chat Support

Customers now prefer to contact businesses over live chat over other channels like phone and email.

As a result, by not offering live chat support on your website, you are missing out on sale opportunities from new potential customers.

Offering live chat support can also increase the efficiency of your support team and help you close more tickets in less time.

Want to learn more? Read our article on why you should add a live chat to your website.

Email Support and Fall Back

Despite the rise of live chat’s popularity, email support is still alive and preferred by many. A proper customer support tool will offer the ability to provide support via email as well.

Taking it a step further, providing email support services can allow for email fall back. Email fall back allows for your live chat conversations with your customers to fall back to your customer’s email in case of disconnect or communication issues.

Lead Generation Features

Did you know? Customer support can be a great sales and lead generation channel.

Modern customer support solutions will allow you to collect key lead information from any user that contacts your business.

You can then use this information during the support process or later on to pitch product sales and upsells.

Session Recording

Gone are the days of connecting to your customers’ computers in order to be able to help them remotely.

Session recordings allow you to access recordings of your customers’ screens. In some cases, you can access these right from your customer support software.

This allows for better customer support by letting you see the issues your customers might be running into first-hand.

Want to learn more? Here’s how to use session recordings for customer support.

What’s the best customer support software?

At this point, you might be wondering just what’s the best customer support software out there.

The truth is that it depends.

At the end of the day, the best customer support software for your business will be different than for another business.

However, we recommend Moment, a fully-featured customer support platform with live chat support, CRM integrations and many other features we discussed in this article.Best of all, you can get started by using Moment’s free plan.